Saturday, October 15, 2011


As you all know this is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.
BREAST CANCER, as well as several other forms of cancer have affected my family greatly, as well as the families of my friends. I lost my Nannie (my Mom's Mom), and my Grandma both to cancer. My Nannie in the end had multiple types of cancer, my Grandma had reoccurring BREAST CANCER which eventually ended up spreading else where in her body too. My Auntie also has had breast cancer, and so far is doing wonderfully. Knowing that your loved one has cancer is awful, especially the feeling of knowing that this disease is not curable. We can only hope that one day it may be.
One of my "Blogging" friends from "down under" in Australia has just lost her dear friend. Natasha is a new and VERY "PINTREST"-ING friend, I met her via PINTREST, stumbled into her blog, enjoyed myself greatly and have had some short and pleasant email conversations with her. She has a greatly  inspiring blog and has prompted me to write today's post. You can find her at her blog: 5 MINUTES JUST FOR ME.

As for PINTREST- well it's a wonderful site full of PINTREST-ING things to look at and read about and possibly make! I have a button on the side bar of my blog here, and will be doing an exclusively pink board as a way to SHOW MY SUPPORT of all the women out there with BREAST CANCER. Please feel free to check it out and sign up to follow me, and this lovely board, which is also my fav. color: THINK PINK!


  1. You are so kind! What a lovely pink post.

    I'm so sorry to hear that so many members of your family have already been touched by this terrible disease. However, I'm so happy to hear that your Aunt is doing well. That is such great news!

    I so appreciate your sweet words and your bloggy friendship. How lucky we are to have met via the Pinning and Blogging worlds!

    Best wishes always,

  2. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. I'm sooo afraid to go to Pinterest...I'm afraid I'll never get out! I'm stopping by from Creations by Tee blog and am a new follower!
    Come by sometimes for some puddin n pie

  4. This post is very poignant to me. I had Lymphoma in my chest and needed radiotherapy for it. Now I'll have to have mammograms due to the breast cancer risk, and I also lost my Aunt to the disease.

    Pinterest is soooo much fun! I love it. I can't wait to pin more things on there.


    missanne via Love Comment Blog ♥ (2) on swap-bot

  5. Great blog! I'm a pink girl too. I love pinterest and it's as addicting as reading blogs. I could literally spend hours doing both of them. Not to mention my sewing addiction!
    Best of luck to you. Can't wait to see more of your blog!

  6. Hi there, sorry to hear that you have lost loved ones to this dreadful disease. Hopefully one day we can overcome it. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris


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